1st Step
To Apply For A Habitat Home
You Must Contact Us
Pick up an application at either Taylor Mueller Realty, 440 S. Hughes Blvd., or at the Elizabeth City Habitat for Humanity Sale Store, 306 Mill St.
Application Process
Attend a Homeowner Applicant Meeting.
Our staff will go through the entire homeowner program, answer any questions potential applicants may have, as well as dispel some of the myths about Habitat. At the end of each meeting, applications are distributed and reviewed in detail.
Fill out your application.
Housing Application: Click here for the application
Make copies of any of the documents listed below that apply to your situation:
Federal Income tax returns (form 1040) for the past two years you filed
Current pay stubs (last two pay periods)
Current bank statements (checking and savings)
Current benefit statements (SSI, SSDI, Food Share, Section 8 Housing, etc…)
Child support court order and payment history for the past two years
Name, address and Phone number of your current landlord
Proof of residency and eligibility to work in the U.S.
Complete the First Time Homebuyers, Budgeting and Credit Counseling Classes through River City Community Development Corporation, 501 E. Main St., 252-331-2925.
Complete 50 hours of community service-the class hours count toward this requirement. Additionally, you can volunteer to help in our store at 306 Mill St. Family members may also volunteer to meet this requirement. Schedule a meeting with the family services coordinator to review your application for completeness.
This must be completed within 30 days of the application meeting you attend.
After your application is submitted, staff will do an initial review of your Need, Ability to Pay, and Willingness to Partner with Habitat. Staff will pull civil/criminal records, obtain your credit report and request a landlord reference.
If your application is complete and you meet financial requirements, it will be reviewed by the Family Selection Committee.
If your application passes the initial review, a home visit will be arranged.
The home visit consists of a tour of your current home and an interview of your family by two members of the Family Selection Committee. The purpose of the home visit is to discuss the Habitat housing program in further detail and gain further information on your family's current living conditions.
All heads of the household must participate and the entire family should be present.
After your home visit, your application is reviewed by the entire Family Selection Committee.
The committee reviews information submitted on the application form, financial documents and information obtained at the home visit to determine whether your application meets the program guidelines.
If approved, your application is forwarded to the Habitat Board of Directors for a final review and approval.
If the committee does not approve your application, you will be notified in writing with the reason for denial.
If approved by the Board of Directors, you will be contacted to set a date for an Acceptance Meeting to sign a contract to proceed. This contract includes all details of the acceptance requirements. If at any time, the board feels that a selected partner family is not fulfilling their requirements, it can decide to deselect the partner family. This is not a decision that the board takes lightly. Once this decision is made, the family cannot be considered for home ownership at a later time.